Official ISIS Trolling Day - 11th December

Anonymous has declared December 11 as ISIS ‘Trolling Day’ and you can be a part of it. Join Anonymous to troll ISIS and their affiliates on December 11 ‘Trolling Day’

The online hacktivist has announced December 11 as an ISIS 'Trolling Day' and has welcomed you to be a part of it by trolling ISIS and their offshoots in techniques given underneath : 

Anonymous has announced an out and out cyberwar on ISIS and their associates after the fatal Paris fear assaults. Under the flag of #OpParis, Anonymous has been bringing down Twitter, Facebook accounts and additionally DDoSing known ISIS sites. Be that as it may, Anonymous has uncovered another aspect of the digital war against ISIS and their purposeful publicity sites, trolling. Prior they taunted ISIS by parodying them as ducks. GhostSec, an offshoot of Anonymous had hacked a dark web ISIS site and supplanted the home page of the site with a Viagra advert. The message was very loud and clear, simply chill!. 

Presently, Anonymous has pronounced December 11 and has asked all web clients who are against the threat of ISIS to be a part of it. Anonymous is currently attempting to uncover ISIS as the joke they may be, asking clients to release Photoshopped memes, images, and jokes with ISIS warriors as the fundamental characters. 

While some of you may consider this as a trick, Anonymous has said that their trolling effort has a more profound goal. With numerous Western-living Muslims succumbing to ISIS' senseless online networking purposeful publicity, depicting ISIS and their units as pack of goat f***** extremists may have some impact on future ISIS initiates. 

The battle which started on a 4Chan string has gradually and relentlessly got association of conventional Internet clients and Anonymous wants to fill the Internet with a wide range of Photoshop art for next Friday.

If you want to be a part of the Anonymous campaign, here are some of Anonymous pointers for you :

→     Post mocking photos of ISIS on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook

→     Use #Daesh and #Daeshbags (apparently ISIS hates being called Daesh)

→     Try to get #Daeshbags trending on Twitter

→     Use #’s that many ISIS members use, but post mocking photos instead

→     Post photos of captured ISIS members and mock them

→     Make mocking videos of ISIS

→     Print out photos/stickers that mock ISIS and spread them around your city

Anonymous has also made a paste on Ghostbin dedicated to the December 11 trolling day. 

Anonymous stated that, “We will mock them for the idiots they are. We will show them what they really are they do not stand for a religion, they do not stand for a god, they are brain washers teaching from the young to the old their propaganda against the “west” when in reality they are just increasing the distance between countries by giving many a bad name.”

For anyone wondering why Anonymous is "trolling" ISIS, the poster offered an explanation:

"You may be wondering why we are "trolling" Isis and planning all these demonstrations against Isis. But to understand that you must first see how Isis works. They thrive off of fear they hope that by their actions they can silence all of us and get us to just lay low and hide in fear. But what many forget and even they do is that there are many more people in the world against them than for them," the poster said.

"And that is the goal of this mass uprising, on December 11th we will show them that we are not afraid, we will not just hide in our fear, we are the majority and with our strength in numbers we can make a real difference. We will mock them for the idiots they are."

Remember Remember ! 11th of December.

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Assalam O Alaikum !
I am M. Asad Ali and I am doing BS ComputerScience from National University of Science and Technology (NUST), Islamabad. I am responsible for what I say. I am not responsible for what you understand.
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